The European Conservatives and Reformists Party is pleased to announce the election of Giorgia Meloni as its new President. Her position was approved at the ECR Party’s council meeting on Monday 28th September following the election. Ms Meloni is also the leader of Fratelli d’Italia Party in Italy and is currently the only female leader of both a European Political Party and of a major Italian Party.

In addition to the election of Ms Meloni, Polish Member of the European Parliament Anna Fotgya has been re-elected as Secretary General and Spanish MEP Jorge Buxadé has been elected as Treasurer. Both were also approved by the council during the meeting.

Presidency Biographies: 

President – GIORGIA MELONI MP: Giorgia Meloni, politician and journalist, leader of Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy).  She began her political commitment at 15 and has been a MP since 2006. In the 15th parliamentary term (2006-2008) has been Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Deputees.  Meloni still holds the record of the youngest minister in the history of the Italian Republic: in 2008, in fact, at the age of 31 she took up the post of Minister of Youth. In 2012 she founded Fratelli d’Italia, of which she is national president and that today is the third Italian party. She is the only female party leader in Italy.

Secretary General – ANNA FOTYGA MEP: Anna Fotyga is a Member of the European Parliament from Poland for the Law and Justice Party. She had previously served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland. During the 2014-2019 mandate of the European Parliament she served as Chair of the Sub-Committee on Security and Defence. In 2020 she was appointed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to the Committee on the NATO Reflection Process.

Treasurer – JORGE BUXADÉ MEP: Jorge Buxadé is a Spanish lawyer and Member of the European Parliament, first elected in 2019 for the Vox Party, where he also serves as Vice-President. In the European Parliament he sits on the Home Affairs and Civil Liberties Committee, Special Committee on Foreign Interference, and the Delegation to the Union of the Mediterranean.


4 commenti

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    • ADM il 29 Settembre 2020 alle 15:20
    • Rispondi

    Brava Giorgia…io te lo avevo detto il 23 scorso…una leonessa nella istituzione Europea!Te lo meriti…e le stelle stanno a guardare….buona fortuna…

    • ADM il 29 Settembre 2020 alle 15:20
    • Rispondi

    Brava Giorgia…io te lo avevo detto il 23 scorso…una leonessa nella istituzione Europea!Te lo meriti…e le stelle stanno a guardare….buona fortuna…

    • Federico Puglia il 29 Settembre 2020 alle 18:58
    • Rispondi

    Quando nella Vita viene premiato il merito, questo Mondo diventa migliore. Il Presidente Giorgia Meloni ha ampiamente meritato l’incarico e, sono convinto che anche per gli avversari politici sarà un beneficio, perché da un confronto si esce migliori quando si è di fronte ad una Persona capace.

    • Mario Rodolfo Alfredo Belli il 30 Settembre 2020 alle 10:31
    • Rispondi

    E’ con il piu’ grande piacere che ho appreso la notizia di un altro riconoscimento giusto merito alla Sua intelligenza, impegno, creativita’ e costanza. Ora bisogna superare il PD e poi Lei dovra’ essere le prima donna nella storia del nostro Paese ad andare a Palazzo Chigi. E’ opportuno, per incrementare i voti di Fratelli d’Italia, dedicare un particolare interesse alle aree dove il Partito non ha molti consensi. Se si dedica maggior interesse a queste aree si potra’ ottenere un ulteriore incremento dei voti. E per noi che abbiamo militato nelle file di Alleanza Nazionale sono rimasto fedele alle mie idee senza confluire in Forza Italia, cosa che fece la gran parte dei militanti del nostro partito. Con infinita stima Mario Rodolfo Alfredo Belli.
